Business people standing together in office having casual discussion. Corporate professional having informal meeting in office corridor.

Network For Your Net Worth

Many of us do not realize how vital the nature of our relationships are, nor do we realize that just by knowing the wrong person can hinder our growth whether in the workplace, or within the community. For effective networking:

  • Limit your interactions with others who are not actively working on achieving their goals
  • Create a list of the most reliable associates you have, and explain exactly how they can help you on your journey to success
  • Network with people who have similar desires as you, as you may need the same resources they have already tapped into
  • Be willing to offer advice from your previous experiences and how you were able to rectify the situation to overcome your obstacles
  • Utilize your time spent having fun sparingly. If you are mainly engaging in activities that don’t align with the plans you’ve made to attain your version of success, you may be setting yourself up for failure
  • Do not be afraid to engage in conversations with fellow coworkers about their interests outside of the workplace. You would be surprised to know that many people have fulfilling hobbies outside of their career
  • Attend workshops in your area that are geared to promote networking

In most cases, the people we have chosen to keep in our circle all serve a purpose. It is imperative that we choose our friends wisely, as they may very well be the key to our success.


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